Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) is among the three partners that has been awarded some grants from the Scottish Government through Niras to carry out a one- and three months Climate Just Community (CJC) project in the three provinces in Zambia namely; Western, Southern and Lusaka provinces. EFZ has been allocated two districts (four wards) in western Province. An assessment was carried out where District Ministries staff and community member were asked to identify the climate change hazards and the possible solutions for the project to come with project interventions. The project was funded to carry out activities in the five intervention areas namely; Integrated agriculture, Natural Resource Management (NRM), Disaster risk reduction (DRR), Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), Business development and advocacy, Gender and disability inclusion activities. The project office was established in Sioma District with four staff based there and currently project start up activities such as trainings and selection of beneficiaries are going on in Shangombo District.